Sunday, January 20, 2013

Getting Started - 2

This week’s reading assignment was on the physiology of the brain (how we believe the brain works) and how that relates to Information Processing Theory, memory and learning. A couple of links that I found associated with this topic, those that weren’t too scientific and sophistic, Deal mainly with the basics of how our understanding of the brain helps us to understand learning, and how that new understanding of learning informs us about how the brain works. The first link is to a group of articles and links in a Blog entitled, “Understanding How the Brain Learns”. It helps explore information related to the subject in a fairly straightforward way without providing references or links to overly scientific or theory-heavy sources. I especially like this approach since many of the articles and links are friendly enough for kids and adults whose job isn’t wrapped around the science involved in this study. (like me).

The second place I found to provide information on Information Processing and the Brain is a link for a series of video lectures by the “Allen Institute for Brain Science” on YouTube. I especially like this one since I am more of a visual learner and the accompanying images and motion helps, but also because I know many people learn better through video rather than reading dry, academic text. Plus, it is well done, though a bit more technical.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Getting Started

When it comes to Blogs, I am a complete N00b. The Blogs I have found available online that concern themselves with Industrial Design, and E-Learning, the number is staggering and a bit overwhelming. Though many at first glance seem to offer excellent articles and information that I am personally interested in, the first thing I noticed is that many of the Blog ages do not appear to have very much in the way of introduction or explanation as to the focus and intent of the Blogger’s page. Unfortunately this means I will have to read a lot of articles in a single Blog page to discover what is going on to even begin to understand what focus and intent. Either that or trust some other individual on the Internet who may have perhaps already done some of the footwork for me and can give some reviews and insight into the best ID Blogs he or she may have found. In the meantime, I have found these that I find particularly interesting and expect to build on this list as time goes by.
1. First on my list was this Blog site called Rapid E-Learning that has the goal of providing a series of articles on how to quickly exchange the right information from one source to another as quickly as possible, how to build courses without knowing any fancy programming skills, or just how to effectively share experience and information with others in general. In addition you’ll find many practical tips and tricks to simplify ID development with many E-Learning tools, resources, and guides. Sense of humor is a bonus! It’s a no-brainer to jump right in on “Rapid E-Learning  101”.

2. The next one that interests me is “Kapp Notes” which explores the use of games and gaming as methods of developing educational material and Instructional Design. After all, it is the Gamers generation that is up and coming, and I find it likely that instruction in the future needs to be aware of their learning needs. You can also find some articles on technology as it relates to E-Learning and Business Marketing advantages.

3. The best overall Blog and website I found so far is the “eLearning Coach”. It covers… well… as far as I can tell at this early point in my research, everything. It looks to be a most complete and deep resource for everything eLearning, Design and Job market. I will be spending a lot of time there.

4. This is not a Blog site but rather an article on “Why Bloggers Fail”. I add it here for anyone who reads my own blog and sees this posting. The article has some good insight on how to make your Blog a more successful endeavor, hopefully keeping the important things you have to say above the fray and out of the darkness of obscurity. Otherwise, why write a blog?